Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Movie: My review

I was really excited to go see Twilight last night and sadly I couldn't go but fortunately I went this afternoon. Overall I thought it was great! First of all if you're an avid twilight fan I don't think you'll be disappointed. (Mild spoilers, be warned)

The bad
A few of the annoying scenes that I didn't love in the movie were firstly the scene with Edward--when he first saw Bella. It was very corny because he held his nose and then kept obviously looking at Bella. And for you twilighter's one thing that will sadden you is the missing meadow scene -le gasp- But fortunately some of the conversation and him glittering got added into other parts (plus they went into the forest several times) So it got made up, another thing they missed some of the good kissing scenes. One when she fainted and the other when she leaves he didn't give her the harsh kiss. Otherwise it was good...

The Good.
Well lets see first of all the beginning was very well done, they had Bella talking and explaining about her move and she talked through some of the other things, and the human characters were introduced pretty well too. Oh my gosh and the way they introduced the Cullens! That was a very good part, they each came in as couples while Jessica talked about them and then last Bella sees...wait for it...Edward!

They also had some of the good quotes that we love from the book, my favorites are/were "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb" and "Your like my own brand of heroin"
The overall best scenes were when they kissed for the first time, and even though that was great it was in Bella's room and they started kissing on her bed and it looked like Edward was lifting up her shirt. So for my christian readers that was the only part in the movie that many didn;t like in the book, but nothing happened as is expected.

My other favorite scene was the one when the Cullen's played baseball (they had supermassive black hole playing) and the one when the Cullen's were cooking Italian for Bella and Rosalie was being annoyed.

So overall the movie was really good and kept with the book well considering the time and budget.

P.S Leave a comment with wether or not you agree or disagree and why or why not.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Twilight Movie

You may or may not know that in one of my first posts I wrote a review about the book series twilight. (Which has subsequently gotten very many views) Well this friday the movie based on the book premieres, it stars Kristen Stewart as the shy clumsy Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson as the pale white vampire Edward Cullen.

The movie has been in the media since its birth, dazzling fans with its plot based on the best selling novel and actors, most notably Rob who girls cant help but swoon over with his looks and Edward appeal. So its going to be a pretty big deal, seeing the beautiful love story come to life and then going on with the more action scenes involving Edward and James (the book and films antagonist who tries to kill Bella)

Since I'm seeing the movie this weekend (i cant help but be a fan) I wanted to let you all know that I will be posting my review of the movie, and letting you know how it compares with the book and if its safe enough to let you're child see it.

Hope you all read it!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Golden Nugget from The Hunchback of Notre Dame

And it has been yet another several months since I have last posted on this blog, well heres a "golden nugget" that I found surprisingly while watching a movie that 8 years ago I never would have been allowed to watch.

So this past Saturday after spending the night at one of my friends houses we decided to sit down and watch a movie, one of the other girls chose The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I've never before seen this movie, since my dad didn't like the gargoyles and gypsies(i believe)
I didn't think he would object to my watching it now so I sat down with everyone else and watched.

Well in one of the scenes of the movie Ezmeralda goes into the church and starts praying, she starts talking to God saying how she doesn't think she is worthy to come before him for she is an outcast and then upon seeing a statue of Mary asks and wonders if she was ever an outcast as well. I like this part mainly because I believe that God is calling the Outcasts, the ones different from everyone else who don't have love but just might be seeking it. As the song continues it shows the other people in the truth also praying, but their prayers are interesting because they are needs that are for one self---ie they want money, love etc etc. But Ezmeralda instead says that she isn't praying for her self but for her people the gypsies who are in trouble. This part really hit me hard, here was a movie I've never before been able to see and it has a reall golden nugget in it.

The nugget? It shows how unselfish she is, and how people seem to abuse prayer and pray for themselves instead of for others, and shouldn't we help? Isn't that not what we are called to do? I think that this is a valuable lesson most people over look or simply ignore. Myself, I want to start praying more for others rather than myself.

Well there's my two cents for the month! Just kidding, I hope not.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Myspace: Is it good, bad or the inbetween? (for parents)

So I noticed I haven't written a post since April, which is really sad considering my other blog just got a new post. This one is different though-its more about Christian life and this post is just about that. While online I was thinking, "What kind of topic could I post on?" Then it hit me, I know a lot of parents are against myspace, for obvious reasons (danger) so I'm here to let you know that it’s not as bad as you think it is.

So here it goes...

First what are the reasons for you as a parent to not let your child have a myspace? The 1# answer to most of you is the danger factor, I know you've read all those news posts about people who have been raped, killed etc over myspace. The latest being a girl who was harassed by a parent on myspace, in the end she committed suicide. But the real problem isn't myspace, its how people use myspace. If your child isn't smart enough to know that they should 1) not talk to people on myspace forums (its just dangerous) 2) not leave there myspaces "open" meaning anybody can see there profile, pics etc 3) have their town on myspace (very dangerous, unless they're careful) Well then they shouldn't have a myspace, because those are just ways to get hurt or kidnapped. (Most likely both)

Ok I know I've given you the reasons to not let your child have a myspace, and your sitting down thinking, "Yeah that sounds about right" while your child is sitting down saying "oh gosh no..That didn't help at all" but alas child just wait and I'll bail you out.

If you don't want those scary stories to happen to your family then (besides not letting them have a myspace) talk to your child, let them know your concerns and make sure they know how to handle their cyber life. If someone messages them ignore them or do what I did (I'll tell you in a sec.) Tell your child to not believe everything they read, keep their myspace private, and 1# don't talk on the forums! (All it does is give the child the opportunity to meet scary people who do scary things.)

My myspace story...
I was online doing nothing in particular when I got a message, the message read "your hot," mmm I thought as I typed back saying, "thanks, do I know you?" The answer was no, but he wanted to be my friend so he started bugging me to get my last name or email (only people who have this can add you as a friend, which is very safe) I told him no and soon he started bugging me to the point where after asking my last name (again) I told him that it was "Christ" basically calling myself Jesus Christ’s daughter (something my mother thought was bad to do) Finally after telling him he had bad grammar, and him messaging back again wanting to be my friend I told him I was blocking him. Before I did though I saw his reply which was F*** you.
Moral of the story, if I would have added him (which would have been stupid) I could have given him my information and been kidnapped that night. So let your child know the dangers of myspace but make sure they know how to respond to those dangers. I cant stress this enough, DO NOT let your child do the above and they will be safe and all those stories about myspace wont apply to you, because in reality it isn't the Childs fault because they aren't smart enough. Its the parent who should instruct their child on dangerous matters, its like I tell people...Parent's should talk to their kids about the dangers of this world because if they don't have the knowledge then they wont know danger when its presented to them; and they can take the bait and the next thing you know there's an article about your child in the paper.

So let your child have a myspace, just talk to them about the danger before hand, and then if people start messaging them tell them you want them coming to you.
I hope this has helped parents, and if you have other myspace concerns then please leave a comment and I will reply as soon as I can!

God Bless

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day of silence to stop gay bullying

The Day of Silence is a day where students are protesting against the bullying of gay people. As I was reading the article I saw that two christian organizations where telling families to not let their kids go to school that day so they would not be seen as believing in the same thing. But I have a serious problem with this, I am a christian and I do not believe in gay marriage and gay couples and so forth but I don't think it is right for people to bully them. Isn't judgement up to God? As christians we are called to love our neighbors, we don't hate people we hate evil.

This is seen in Romans 12:9 "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." Does God say to us hate people who do evil? No God says hate what is evil, even if you're opposed to what people do does that mean we should give those people a hard time? Does this mean that even though we know what gays do is wrong we should call them names and bully them? Of course not, as a christian I don't like what gays do and how they act but I still have love for them and I pray that they will see what they do and turn away.

This really hurts me to see that christians who are told to love bully and abuse those who are sinning when are we any better? We've all fallen short and don't deserve God, so instead of being rude how about we pray for them and tell them "hey I don't believe in what you do but I'm not going to stop being a friend and having the love God gives to his followers." And you know what maybe that will get people interested into what you have to say, maybe they'll even start looking for answers and end up following God and stopping their evil ways.

In case anyone is wondering If my school participates I will tell my friends this and say I believe in stopping the bullying, but don't believe in the way they act. Of course I could never be silient for a whole day because that's just me! (I talk to much)

Hope this hasn't offended anyone but made people realize how they act towards people around them. If you have any comments or concerns or questions please comment!

Day of Silence website
Click here

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Aracheaology find-Box with the bones of James Jesus's brother

Yes its true, today I found an article titled "The stone box and Jesus' brother's bones"
If you want to read the article Click Here

I found it on Unexplained which deals with unexplained mysteries, I mostly go there just for curiousity but that one article caught my attention. I find this intriguing considering that if this box and its content are accurate then its proof that Jesus walked the planet, giving the bible credibility and..well what more is there to say? If the bible is proved accurate people will believe it and what it has to say. I have one friend that doesn't believe that the bible is true, so many people I'm sure hold the same belief. In case your wondering on the side of this box which holds the bones of a person it says in Aramic "James, Son of Joseph brother of Jesus" I can't wait to find out more on this, and wether or not it will be widely publicized.

If you have any comments please post them!
God Bless, Katelynn

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why I do what I do--Matthew 25:34-40

Recently since I've started going to a public highschool I have been telling a lot of people about my views and my faith. A day after one of these days one of my friends came up to me and asked me a question, he talked about what I would do if my friends boyfriend raped her and her boyfriend went to jail. If my friend didn't like him, would I go visit him in jail? Talk to him about God etc? I told him that I would want to help him and I would definetely visit him in jail. Most people would shun this person, not visit them and think of them as a horrible person who has done a dastardly deed. I didn't think of it at the time, but there is a verse in the bible that correlates with my answer. The verse is a bit long but it comes from Matthew 25:34-40

"34 Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

37 "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

One day God will say this to everyone, the ones on the right are his followers and the ones on his left are the ones who aren't, those people are the ones who do the opposite of what the verse above say's. Look at verse 36 towards the end it says "I was in prison and you came to visit me." I wish I would have remembered this verse because I would have told him that the reason why I would visit that person is because thats what God tells us to do. It is what he wants us to do, and its a way of showing our love to him. The greatest commandment of all is found in Matthew 22:37-38
"Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[b] 38This is the first and greatest commandment."

The way to love God is simple and is shown in Matthew 25(above) If we want to love God we need to take care of his children, his people. This reminds me of the next part of the above passage. Matthew 22:39-40
"And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[c] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
In essence obey the second commandment and you will fullfill the first, because Loving God means loving our neighbors(everyone around us)

So why do I do what I do? The reason is because I want to obey God by caring for the needy, the sick, and those in jail.